Your resource hub for VAC-WIL placements.
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For Colleges and Institutes: What is VAC-WIL?
Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) is a broad term that encompasses many types of practical workplace experiences pursued by students. WIL appeals to career-oriented students with a desire to enhance their learning through hands-on experiences.
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For Students: What is a VSA?
Veterans Service Agents, or VSAs, are the frontline staff at the VAC regional offices. They interact with veterans and help them determine which benefits and supports they can access and are entitled to. VSAs make the original contact and the determine of eligibility.
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For Veterans Affairs Canada: Your Work Placement
This is your central hub to ensure your work placement is a success. Read the online guide for VAC field agents and access tools and templates to use in each step of your placement. Your placement in 5 steps: