What are VSAs & CMs?

Veterans Service Agents, or VSAs, are the frontline staff at the VAC regional offices. They interact with veterans and help them determine which benefits and supports they can access and are entitled to. VSAs make the original contact and the determine of eligibility.

More serious and complex cases are referred to the Case Managers, or CMs. Case Managers handle the journey of rehabilitation and reintegration.

Both VSAs and CMs make referrals to access various medical, psychological, and workforce services guided by legislation, regulation, and policy, while working with veterans on a deliberate reintegration plan.

Values and Ethics

Veterans Service Agents and Case Managers are employees of Veterans Affairs Canada, but they are first and foremost, public servants working for the Government of Canada. All public servants pledge to uphold a code of values and ethics for public servants, which is an important part of the VSA and CM onboarding process.

The code of values includes:

Federal public servants have a fundamental role to play in serving Canadians, their communities, and the public interest under the direction of the elected government and in accordance with the law.

The system of Canadian parliamentary democracy and its institutions are fundamental to serving the public interest. Public servants recognize that elected officials are accountable to Parliament, and ultimately to the Canadian people, and that a non-partisan public sector is essential to our democratic system.

Treating all people with respect, dignity and fairness is fundamental to our relationship with the Canadian public and contributes to a safe and healthy work environment that promotes engagement, openness, and transparency.

Federal public servants are entrusted to use and care for public resources responsibly, for both the short term and long term.

Excellence in the design and delivery of public sector policy, programs and services is beneficial to every aspect of Canadian public life.

We act with honesty and fairness and always strive to do the right thing.

We treat everyone with respect. We recognize the dignity that is inherent in all people and celebrate the strength that comes from the diversity of people and ideas.

We take pride in our role as public servants and are dedicated to service excellence. We are committed to responsive, quality service, delivered with timeliness, courtesy, and fairness.

We are accountable and responsible for our actions and accept the consequences of our decisions.

We value teamwork, and promote the principles of partnership, consultation, and open communication.

We encourage the achievement of a healthy balance in the working and personal lives of employees, believing that this contributes to the vitality of individuals, our organization, and our communities.

Interested in becoming a VSA or CM?

Here’s what might be expected of you:

  • Screens clients using departmentally approved tools and identifies potential issues or concerns.
  • Provides targeted assistance in response to client needs, including determining eligibility as per Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) eligibility guidelines by active interviewing and assessing information gathered and making decisions on VAC programs and services as per delegated authority.
  • Provides information and advice with respect to client eligibility for internal or external programs and benefits; and initiates applications for VAC programs and services, as required.
  • Communicates with external organizations to facilitate the provision of, or access to, benefits and services to clients, as appropriate.
  • Refers the more complex cases to Case Managers for assessment and VAC case management services.
  • Collaborates and consults with, and serves as a member of, the Interdisciplinary Team (IDT); and liaises with other VAC service areas, as required.

  • Conducts in-depth interviews with clients; and engages, and builds relationships with, clients and their families.
  • Conducts client, financial, physical, health and environment assessments.
  • Identifies, assesses, and determines clients’ needs, risks and rehabilitation requirements.
  • Utilizes case management practices and tools to plan and coordinate appropriate programs and services.
  • Develops, approves, implements, and manages complex case plans with clients and their families to achieve mutually agreed upon goals through a collaborative, organized and dynamic process.

Why become a VSA?

On the Job Training (OJT)

VAC currently uses the On-the-Job Training (OJT) for VSA’s an CM’s. OJT is a timely, responsive, and innovative curriculum that emphasizes applied practices at Veterans Affairs Canada. A key approach in OJT conceptualization is innovation, efficiency, and practical application, that is context-adapted and learner oriented.

This training program assumes CM’s and VSA’S bring skillset and knowledge to VAC. OJT provides learners the opportunity to leverage this, in an applied-learning environment, so learners can focus on VAC specific competencies. This training program provides new employees the opportunity to take risks within the learning environment to standardize and enhance the quality of care to Veterans.